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Prepare for a summer of unforgettable fun!

Welcome to the New Mark Commons Barracudas summer swim team in Rockville, MD! If you have questions after reviewing this site, email [email protected]

Important: If your athlete swam for another MCSL team last year, and you have not moved residence, please be sure to fill out the league-required Team Transfer Application Form at your earliest convenience to transfer to the New Mark Commons Barracudas.

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Join the 2024 Barracudas!

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What we offer

As a not-for-profit community swim team, our primary goal is to provide children (ages 4 - 18) the opportunity to improve their stroke skills and compete in weekly swim meets while having lots of FUN

We practice every weekday after Memorial Day through the end of July and participate in 1-2 meets per week on Saturdays and/or Wednesdays.  

Summer swim team is a place where lifetime friendships form and grow for both children and adults! We offer a variety of social functions (e.g. tie dye night, raft night, team breakfasts, etc.) View our calendar of events, under the "Meets and Events" tab for a full list. 

There are three registration types: swimming member ($125), social member ($35) and mini member ($60). Learn more on the registration page. Registrations are due by May 19, 2024.

In order to register, you must be a resident of New Mark Commons, or have a non-resident pool membership. Learn more about pool membership here.

Our coaches and senior level swimmers also offer private lessons on their own time. If you are interested in private lessons, please email [email protected] and we can connect you with instructors.

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Volunteer sign-up instructions

Every week during the swim season (May-July) we need LOTS of adult volunteers. Sign-up on Meets & Events / Signup Calendar (Meets, Jobs, Events)Find step by step instructions under Meets & Events / Signup Instructions.

If you're interested in diving deeper to become an official at the beginning of the season, sign up for officials training thru MCSL.

Questions? Email [email protected].

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If you have questions regarding the Barracuda's team or the site, please contact [email protected].

For questions on practices, please contact your coach.

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